I ran track in high school. Well "ran" is a term that I'll use loosely. I signed up for track to meet boys, and failed miserably at both.
Jump ahead ten years... I was a newly wed who needed to shed the "birth control" weight (eh-hem, we've all used that excuse when it was really eating out every night!) We moved to a quiet (read BORING) community that had two things to offer; a firehouse with a Pepsi machine & lots of running trails. So I took up running. My husband is a do-or-die type person, very goal oriented.
If you don't set a goal, then you won't progress
That was a common phrase around our house.
So I set a goal to run a half-marathon before I turned the big 3-OH!!! It was very rough, completed at a turtle's pace, but I did it!
Now I try to run 15-20 miles per week. I've become addicted, but not overzealous (definitely no marathons in my future.) I'm trying to increase my time/ not get bored while running. I just want to jot down a few things I do to accomplish those two things:
- Create a long (I have song ADD) but energetic playlist
- To increase my time, sprint through each chorus of each song
- Chew gum- there's no science behind it, It just quenches my thirst
- Think of ways to earn enough money to buy those boots I want
- Imagine my booty the way it was at 21- firm & perky (goals here people, think of your goals!)
It is silly, I know. But these little things help! I would love any feed back of what others do to increase their need for speed while jogging. Any assistance is welcome!
Until next time,