Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wait. What??!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL.

this is what happens when you leave all of your info fully open @ your sister's house!
and you don't keep up on your blog...
she blogs for you.

little bridge balancing her food - 2 hands.
talented little thing you've got there!

and even gives your sweet baby bright pink eye balls!  ;)
we miss you guys already!!!!!
oh my goodness!  I just want to squeeze her!!!!

look @ Markie with "that" look on his face.
along with Brian... with "that other" look on His face.
and maybe this might be my favorite.
look @ mom's face!  classic!!!!
and cute little Bridgy!
she just needed her some Yikes or Pudge.

 the little man loves his little cousin Bridgette.

where's Dan the Man!!???
tell him he was dearly missed.
he needs to put on his pink shirt and purple tie
take a fabulous photo.....
and *BAM* 
we will photo shop that mug in .... 
you look HOT in that color.
and that's not because of the sweat that was pouring down your cheeks.
you are beautiful in that color.
what a lucky group of girls
... & dad.
you pose - girl!
love our mom.
we will miss all the snuggles 

 and loves
and Blues Clues.

i will now disconnect your info from my computer.
miss you guys.
glad you are home safe.
give that little girl a squeeze for me!!!!
(& Pudge.)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

1. Black Eyed Peas- Imma Be
2. B.O.B. Feat Hayley Williams- Airplanes
3. How You Like Me Now- The Heavy
4. Insomnia- DJ Tiesto
5. Bulls on Parade- Rage Against the Machine

...and these are some songs that got me through today's run

See Nell Run

I ran track in high school. Well "ran" is a term that I'll use loosely. I signed up for track to meet boys, and failed miserably at both.  

Jump ahead ten years... I was a newly wed who needed to shed the "birth control" weight (eh-hem, we've all used that excuse when it was really eating out every night!) We moved to a quiet (read BORING) community that had two things to offer; a firehouse with a Pepsi machine & lots of running trails. So I took up running. My husband is a do-or-die type person, very goal oriented. 

If you don't set a goal, then you won't progress
That was a common phrase around our house. 

So I set a goal to run a half-marathon before I turned the big 3-OH!!! It was very rough, completed at a turtle's pace, but I did it!
Now I try to run 15-20 miles per week. I've become addicted, but not overzealous  (definitely no marathons in my future.)  I'm trying to increase my time/ not get bored while running. I just want to jot down a few things I do to accomplish those two things:

  1. Create a long (I have song ADD) but energetic playlist
  2. To increase my time, sprint through each chorus of each song
  3. Chew gum- there's no science behind it, It just quenches my thirst
  4. Think of ways to earn enough money to buy those boots I want
  5. Imagine my booty the way it was at 21- firm & perky (goals here people, think of your goals!)
It is silly, I know. But these little things help! I would love any feed back of what others do to increase their need for speed while jogging.  Any assistance is welcome!

Until next time,


First Time!

Today I was on my weekly long run and a few thoughts occurred to me.

I have tried a lot of stuff- not like drugs or anything. Just stuff. I've tried a zillion different excercise routines from P90X to the art of doing nothing.  I've never met a free beauty product I've said no to.  I've tried skinny jeans, bell bottoms, pixie cuts (Winona Ryder -yes, Me-NO!), extensions, etc...

So why not write about it? For the three of you out there who may want to read my experiences with a pixie cut... I'll try give you a weekly glimpse into my mind and the "stuff" I've discovered. Maybe someone here can help me discover new things!